6 Ways Your Chapter Can Participate in NHPW  

National Hazing Prevention Week (NHPW) encourages campuses, organizations and individuals to discuss hazing in their communities, educate others on the issue of hazing and promote hazing prevention. Below are some ways your chapter can participate in National Hazing Prevention Week September 23-27, 2024. 

1. Sign the Hazing Prevention Pledge 

Encourage your members to take the pledge to prevent hazing before it occurs, stop hazing when it’s happening and report hazing when it has transpired. By signing the pledge, you'll join individuals around the world who condemn the act of hazing and serve as an advocate for hazing prevention while empowering others to do the same.

2. Learn Pi Beta Phi’s Hazing Definition 

Pi Beta Phi defines hazing as any conduct, action taken, or situation created, regardless of intent, directed toward any other individual where participation may be voluntary, forced or coerced that: 

  • Has the potential to cause or actually results in emotional, mental or physical harm. 
  • Involves the consumption of or opportunity to consume alcohol or drugs. 
  • Embarrasses, demeans or has the potential to create a superior/inferior relationship between the participants. 

After sharing Pi Phi's hazing definition with your sisters, compare it to the definitions of Pi Phi’s core values. Hazing is in direct conflict with the values at the heart of our sisterhood.  

3. Discuss the Spectrum of Hazing Behaviors  

Bring your chapter members together to discuss the spectrum of hazing behaviors. While you may be familiar with some high recognition behaviors, take time to evaluate if your chapter participates in any of the behaviors listed. A behavior that was once acceptable or considered a chapter tradition might have transformed in a way that has a negative impact on members and meets the definition of hazing.  

Traditions should be consistent with building a better sisterhood. After watching the webisode, carefully compare your chapter traditions with the definition of hazing to identify activities that are not building sisterhood. Past chapter traditions shouldn’t always continue, and it’s important to know when it is no longer appropriate to honor them. Watch the video below to learn about the important role of traditions and how to promote activities that strengthen your sisterhood.  


5. Research Anti-Hazing Laws

Today, 44 of 50 U.S. states have enacted anti-hazing laws varying greatly in scope and impact. Familiarize yourself with your state laws here. Although Canada doesn’t currently have specific anti-hazing legislation, many colleges and universities have created their own hazing policies. Spend some time researching your local laws or campus’ hazing policies if you aren’t already familiar with them.

6. Participate in a Hazing Prevention Event 

Throughout the week, HazingPrevention.Org will feature virtual presentations and conversations about hazing prevention. As we get closer to the week, you can learn more about their virtual events here. Want to plan your own event? Find a knowledgeable speaker to engage your chapter in hazing prevention conversations or work with your Panhellenic to organize a hazing prevention event on campus.

Join the conversation by using #PiPhisAgainstHazing. 

Published September 10, 2024