Leading with Resilience

Over the past few weeks, collegiate and alumnae members joined together weekly to discuss and uncover their resiliency through purpose, self-care and confidence. Erin Fischer at the Leadership and Training Studio hosted our first-ever Resiliency Webinar Series to give our members the opportunity to connect with sisters across North America and grow together. 


"Thank you for such an inspiring opportunity. I enjoyed being connected to so many sisters of different ages and
from different places — a pandemic silver lining for this far north Pi Phi from Two Rivers, Alaska."

– Illinois Epsilon Gina M Tabachki

If you weren't able to attend, we're outlining ten key takeaways from the webinar series.

  1. Resiliency is the ability to bounce back. We're not born with it, it takes a lot of work, but those who are more resilient move past obstacles and challenges in a healthy way.
  2. There are three kinds of resiliency: natural, adaptive and restored
  3. As you practice resilience it's important you know the difference between pressure vs. stress, reflection vs. rumination and excellence vs. perfection
  4. To find your vision, focus on your pain points and passion points
  5. Don’t forget to drift and dream regularly about your vision, tag along with others who are doing similar work and set intention to work on your vision. 
  6. Self-care is more than bubble baths.
  7. A few habits of incredibly happy people:
    • They slow down to appreciate life’s little pleasures.
    • They exercise.
    • They spend money on other people.
    • They have deep conversations.
    • They have a growth mindset.
  8. Find the one person who builds your confidence.
  9. Know the difference between under confidence, over confidence, authentic confidence and honest overconfidence.
  10. Confidence is all in the ability to be self-assured and have self-belief.

"When we learned about creating a movie in your mind, I realized I do that with so many situations! Now that I am aware of it, I am working on keeping myself from creating so many movies in my mind. I have found myself to be more resilient in the last few weeks from doing this!"

–Arizona Alpha Gemma Ayer

"Confidence takes practice, get going!"

–Colorado Delta Suzette Farrar

"I learned how to embrace my confidence as a woman, as well as how to help other women achieve their confidence."

–South Dakota Alpha Kacy Tubbs

Published July 16, 2020